miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

Listening 3rd Course - Middle Ages and Renaissance

Here are some of the listenings we have listened to in class. Review them for understanding the different styles and musical forms in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. If you want to download them, click the link.

martes, 8 de abril de 2014

3rd ESO - Unit 5 - Romanticism

After the classical period, it comes the Romanticism, the age of the strong feelings and emotions, the age in which the music is considered the greatest art because music expresses the unreachable kingdom beyond the words.

Glossary Unit 5

Unit 5 - Romanticism

Historia de la Música en Comic 3/8 - El Barroco

Seguimos con la Historia de la Música en Comic. Aquí tienes la parte dedicada al Barroco, la tercera parte.

Historia de la Música en Comic 3/8

Preguntas sobre el Barroco

martes, 25 de febrero de 2014